Wednesday, August 25, 2010

S’ Mocha Plus 减肥咖啡 加强版

香浓美味,又能减肥——你可曾想过有这等好事?享受、想瘦双丰收,这就是S ’Mocha Plus的承诺。来自美国配方的S’ Mocha Plus含有重要成份如绿茶(Green tea),生咖啡豆(Green Coffee) ,苹果纤维(Apple Fiber) ,仙人掌精华( Cactus Powder ) 和藤黄果(Garcinia Cambogia) 具有促进脂肪分解的作用,将脂肪转换成脂肪酸,并融入血液中,除此之外它还能有效燃烧体内多余的脂肪,火速减磅。


调配方法:每日早晨服用一次,每次1包,早餐前后;将一包S’ Mocha Plus 放入一玻璃容器或塑料容器中, 再倒入150-200ml的热水, 搅拌均匀即可饮用。

S’ Mocha Plus效果:服用一周一般人士可减体重2-3kg,欲加快效果者请适当控制饮食或增加运动量,效果更佳;不可增量至每天两包。

S’ Mocha plus的功效在于:阻止体内脂肪生成,促进体内脂肪燃烧,降低血脂,增加能量水平,有效调节食量,而促进体重的减少。原理是它通过“诱导生热”来燃烧体内多余的脂肪,同时自然调节人体对食欲的要求,既安全又不会令体重反弹。如果你已经试过无数减肥方法仍未能减至理想效果,我们推荐你不妨尝喝"S’ Mocha plus"减肥瘦身咖啡,让自己在时尚美好的生活中“饮”出一副窈窕的好身材。

S’Mocha +
S'Mocha is good for those who wants to slim down in a short period of time. The effect is slightly higher than S' hot chocolate.

Advanced Organic Diet Coffee

Non rebound formula, No side effects,

No injection, No exercise, No diet

S’Mocha+ which  formulated in US guarantees that! That’s too simple to slim down yourself in 30days by just taking 1 sachet before or after your breakfast.


Apple Fibre

Appe help to reduce the risk of colon cancer, prostate cancer and lung cancer. Like many fruits, Apples contain Vitamin C as well as a host of other antioxidant compounds, which may reduce the risk of cancer by preventing DNA damage.

Green Tea Extract

Scientific studies have proved that green tea is rich in catechin polyphenols, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which is a powerful antioxidant. It helps to inhibit the growth of cancer cells and prevent abnormal formation of blood clots. Hence, this leading to lowering risk of cancer and heart diseases. Besides, it is also effective in lowering LDL cholesterol level. Moreover, it promotes fat oxidation; in order words, it helps to burn excess fat in the body.


L-Carnitine is a natural amino acid which has many uses. L-Carnitine is used for Fat Loss because L-Carnitine breaks down small fat particles circulating in your blood (long chain fatty acids). This allows the fat to be transported to the mitochondrial membrane. The mitochondrial membrane burns fat as energy; therefore if we burn fat, we will lose weight. This metabolic action aids the body in burning unwanted fats and removing unwanted fats from your body. This form of fat burning is a major part of muscular energy. Deficiencies in L-carnitine are expressed as low energy levels and muscular weakness. If your body does not have enought L-Carnitine the unwanted excess fat is deposited in your heart and can increase the probability of heart disease.

Garcinia Cambogia

Garcinia cambogia is a small fruit that resembles a miniature pumpkin. It is indigenous to India and parts of Asia, and an extract from its fruit and rind is popular in many natural weight loss products. The extract is hydroxycitric acid (HCA), claimed to suppress appetite and enhance fat-burning. Studies have shown that HCA decreases the activity of an essential enzyme in metabolism of fat. The conversion of carbohydrates into fat requires an enzyme called citrate lyase. HCA temporarily reduces the action of this enzyme, blocking the production of fatty acids making less fat available for cellular storage. HCA increases the production and storage of glycogen while reducing both appetite and weight gain. HCA also causes extra calories to be consumed as thermogenisis is enhanced.

Cactus Powder (Hoodia gordonii)

Hoodia is a cactus that's causing a stir for its ability to suppress appetite and promote weight loss. Hoodia Gordonii is famous for its effects as an appetite suppressant and mood enhancer.

Besides that, Hoodia can boost energy levels and counteract depression.

Green Coffee Extract Powder

An extract of green coffee beans has been found to have a stronger antioxidant effect than established antioxidants like green tea and grape seed extract.

The active constituent in coffee that is responsible for its many health benefits is a compound called chlorogenic acid. It neutralizes free radicals, and addresses the problem of hydroxyl radicals, both of which can lead to cellular degeneration if left unchecked. Chlorogenic acid also helps regulate metabolism. Compared to green tea and grape seed extract, green coffee bean extract is twice as effective in absorbing oxygen free radicals. a reduction in the risk of diabetes; and assisting the body burn a higher proportion of lipids (fats) compared to carbohydrates, which could help with muscle fatigue for athletes and bodybuilders.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Hot Chocolate

New weight-loss product – S’ Hot Chocolate, the miracle drink to create S-posture in just 30 days!!!

The perfect weight-loss equation:
Hot chocolate + L-carnitine + Aloe vera + White kidney bean = Fat burning!!

热巧克力+ 左旋肉碱+ 芦荟 +白芸豆 = 溶脂+ 燃脂+ 排油











Charm 丰胸 白皙 养颜 锁水

Charm (强力推荐)
丰胸  白皙  养颜 锁水 

饮用  十大优点
1. 纯天然成分,无任何毒副作用
2.  富大量维生素C,达到最佳美白效果,并有效抵抗UV的侵蚀
3.   野葛根助于丰胸效果
4.  高抗氧化,阻止自由基的侵犯
5.   修复皱纹,浅化黑斑,雀斑,黄褐斑等皮肤问题
6.   抑制MMP阻止胶原流失,根本解决肌肤问题
7.   高纯度的胶原蛋白,效果提升180%以上
8.    纳米技术,使人体易吸收
9.    由内到外的保湿美白修复抗衰配方 让你容光焕发和晶莹剔透
10.     国际医学权威认证,长期服用,效果绝无反弹

Functions: Breast enhancing, fair skin, youthful look, moisture-lock


Pueraria Lobata,
Marine Collagen,
Silk Peptide,
Vitamin C,

Ten advantages of drinking:

1. Natural ingredients without any side effects.
2. Addition of blueberries, black currant berries and other vitamin C that will contribute to a whitening effect and effective UV resistance.
3. Pueriria Lobata helps in breast enhancing.
4. High resistance to oxidation, while preventing a violation of free radicals.
5. Repair wrinkles and lighten superficial spots.

6. MMP inhibition prevents collagen loss and solves skin problems.
7. High purity of collagen and result improved more than 180%.
8. It uses latest Nano technology.
9. A complete anti-aging, moisturizing and whitening tool.
10. Certified by international medical authority and no side effects for long-term consumption.


卖家资料/ Seller's detail


真实姓名: Lai Ming Sin

Public Bank Acc: 4-4278111-11
Maybank Acc: 1050 3818 2522

真实姓名:Lai Jia Sin
Public Bank Acc: 4-4278110-14
Maybank Acc: 1050 3818 2515 

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- want to make order~

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